Why we need Nova Combian Research Institute?

Disease has been around since humanity has existed; we know this for certain. Philosophers, scientists, experimentalists, doctors… For the entire history of humanities existence, we have been trying to explain disease. The mechanisms, the causes, but mostly the ways in which we can improve the lives of those suffering from disease. There are so many questions that come and go and even with todays “modern knowledge” there is still very little known about disease.

Throughout the test of time, the best way to discover what causes diseases and how to treat/prevent them is implementation of the scientific method, which can easier be said as research. Research led to vaccination, anti-septic technique implementation, etc… All of these treatments and lifesaving knowledge were discovered through the scientific method’s routine of hypothesis with trial and error followed by research and communication of its results. Asking questions and research is how humanity got on a higher stepping stool towards healing and helping sick patients… Without this we would know nothing.

In medicine, there are diseases that are well understood and easily treatable. This can be attributed to the fact that many people tend to develop these diseases and so physicians are familiar with them and know what to do. Unfortunately, this is not the case with all diseases. Some diseases are so rare that physicians do not recognize them, and many patients are misdiagnosed with disorders that they do not have or are left untreated because they are “medical mysteries.” These diseases can be categorized as rare diseases. Connective tissue diseases and especially treating them in relation to co-morbid diseases fall into a special category of rare disease.

To educate physicians on these rare diseases, it is best to look towards the past and ask ourselves“how did we do this before?”


The answer is research… 

The answer is teamwork… 

The answer is investigation…

And this is why Nova Combian was formed…

Nova Combian was founded by Isabelle Brock. Dr. Brock is both an expert in Connective tissue diseases and their co-morbidities as well as a patient herself. Dr. Brock has spent years along with other specialists studying and researching these illnesses and through Nova Combian this information can finally be brought to the forefront. Dr. Brock has dedicated her life to research, education, and finding treatment for patients (she is truly more than a physician).

Below you will find a diagram written by Dr. Brock and her fellow colleagues that outlines the need for further research in the area of connective tissue diseases and their co-morbidities. This literature review is so important because it shows where we stand and the stance is clear… We need more research to be done.