SEPTEMBER 24, 2023

My Star by Audrey Sasseville

I write these few words to you with a heart full of gratitude and love. You have arrived on my path and like a star shines brightly in the night’s sky, you have shined brightly in my life. There are millions of starts in the universe, but it is YOU that has guided me here.

Our story begins in this conference room in Quebec. In the midst of a crisis of dystonia, subluxated vertebrae and adrenal crisis. You did what no other physician had done before and you corrected the subluxation in my spine. I then went to the hospital and you accompanied me in the ambulance to the hospital. You explained adrenal insufficiency as well as my spine (something that doctors never knew about me before we met). You gave me all of your love and all of your kindness during that ambulance ride.

You took my hand tightly and said “Audrey, what you are going through is extremely difficult, but what you have is physical and you are going to get out of it. I’ve been there too.”

You spent hours in the Emergency Room by my side trying to show the doctors what was going on, but they wouldn’t listen to you. I thanked you for your help, then you headed back to your hotel.

I went on living in a horrifically miserable state for 5 months following this incident; I had enough. The doctors completely abandoned me and I had no way out. The one doctor I trusted came to the emergency room to relay the message that the director of the hospital was exploiting me from his establishment because all of my symptoms were psychological and there was no reason for me to be there.

I had visited all the hospitals in the city more than thirty times, I had contacted private consultants, and according to all the doctors, there was nothing more to do with me; I was a psychological case. The psychiatrists had nothing to offer and did not help my situation at all. Eventually, I lost hope and I saw no way out.

I wanted to live a life, but not a life like that. It was no life to be in constant pain and convulsions. I remembered you and consulted you and you agreed to meet me and try to help me. You told me to go to Sri Lanka and joined me in April.

Since I have arrived, you have spent hours and hours helping me, talking to other doctors, and doing research. You have put together the missing pieces of the puzzle that the other doctors (and myself) were trying to understand. Thanks to everything that you have diagnosed and discovered, my condition has improved dramatically and I am able to live a normal life.

Thanks to you…. Your time… Your effort… Your love… Your kindness… And most importantly your medical knowledge in my medical condition, I am finally well.

I can walk, I can eat without vomiting and pain, I no longer suffer from severe dystonias, I have energy to function, I have much less pain throughout my body and I am on less medications. I am a success.

I consider myself very lucky to have had you as my star; my guiding light. Please never doubt the good that you do for others whether it is in your personal or professional life. What you did for me cannot be put into words, but now I get to live a life that I never thought I would be able to live before. You saved and changed my life… Forever and for the better.


Audrey Sasseville