About Nova Combian

Nova Combian was founded by Isabelle Brock. When Dr. Brock founded Nova Combian, she wanted to make sure she was forming an organization that would benefit patients and help them find a better quality of life. By founding Nova Combian she has been able to work with physicians to help them better understand connective tissue disease and the mechanisms that make these illnesses so difficult to treat.

Dedicated To The Research And
Education Of Connective Tissue Issues

We believe that good research and practice are mutually reinforcing — each point of view and endeavor should inform and influence others. We believe it is critical to share our knowledge for the greater good, facilitating a more efficient research process and translating findings into action.

Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome during pregnancy, birth and beyond

Isabelle Brock

Mission statement

Nova Combian strives to improve the lives of the community of connective tissue disease patients by providing specialized, tailored programs that meet unique medical and personal needs. By contributing to the communities well-being our only goal is that they can live their lives to the fullest. We try to inspire hope within our community; understand them as well as their families.

We hope to reach our goal by providing financial assistance to families, by providing education to people living with connective tissue disorders as well physicians treating them, conducting research, and hoping that with all of our efforts we can reach our ultimate goal of being able to help every complex connective tissue disease patient live their lives as beautifully as they possibly can with financial aid.

Patient Testimonials

Medical Presentations

Le rôle antalgique de l’oxygénothérapie séquentielle dans le SED. Etat des lieux

Dr Isabelle Brock présente le rôle antalgique de l’oxygénothérapie séquentielle dans le SED, et fait un état des lieux et une revue de la littérature interna…

Désordres de l’activation mastocytaire : phénotypes communs et traitements potentiels

Dr Anne Maitland, MD, Phd, membre du consortium international, présente “Les désordres de l’activation mastocytaire : phénotypes communs et traitements poten…

La place du MPR dans la prise en charge du SED/HSD

Dr Thomas Van Den Bossche présente la place du MPR dans la prise en charge du SED/HSD lors de la Rencontre annuelle virtuelle du GERSED le 28 novembre 2020.